Episode 37

Published on:

5th Nov 2020

What Scent Do You Carry?

The theme of this episode centers on Ephesians 5:2  And walk in Love, as Christ also has loved us & given Himself for us , an offering & a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aroma

{00:00-5:00} The Song- 'I Will Pour Out My Life At Your Feet'

{5:00-7:10} reading Ephesians 5:1-11 , today's text

{7:10-8:10} Vs. 1, 'Therefore'...this ties back into the theme of chapter 4 (there were no chapter breaks in Mss. of the Bible)..that is BECAUSE, you have 'Burned Your Old Clothes'...Therefore....

{8:11-8:47} Vs. 1 "Imitators" in Greek is literally 'Mimic' or where we get our word 'mime' from ...so be an imitator or like a mime of ABBA & His Character

{8:50-10:05} Vs. 1 "Dear Children" as Jesus said in Lk. 18:17 receive the Kingdom of God with the heart of a trusting & believing child. Just as a small child loves to imitate his Mother or Father, so we should love to imitate God

{10:12-10:57} John 5:19 Jesus imitated Abba...also Mtt. 5:48

{11:15-12:24} I John 4:16-17 we can confidently imitate God, because He dwells in us & we know he Loves us ...out of this Love naturally FLOWS imitation of ABBA

{12:26-14:15} '3 THINGS'.......All of us have a NAME...which represents something...Each human being (us) have a Body odor which is unique to us....We must walk in God's light...ALL these THREE Principals are connected

{14:24-14:35} We as individuals are like perfume as we carry the name of God with us daily....Paul also contrasts  the world to our sweet-smelling aroma

{14:45-16:47} 'The Call of The Hour' quote of Ray C. Steadman article...'The purpose of The Church is NOT to make the world a better place to live in, it is to make us (the Church) as individuals better people to live in it.'.........we are given the Secret;the Mystery as Christians...that is the Power of the Gospel & we are then to reveal that Mystery to the world....this is all REVEALED by the NAME we carry, the SCENT we carry & letting our LIGHT SHINE

{17:00-17:28} The Name of Jesus carries POWER...so let your name represent HIS Name as Son's & Daughters of God in this world 

{18:00-18:07} To Imitate God is to carry a Sweet-smelling aroma

{19:00-20:00Reading of   1st Jn. 4..to remain /abide in Christ is to KNOW God's Love...by Abiding in the Love of Christ we become that Sweet-Smelling Aroma to all around us

{20:15-20:47} "Walk In Love" (vs. 2) is a reiteration of Eph. 4:1 (Walk Worthy of your vocation)....Gal. 5:22 the fruits of the Spirit...cutting into fresh fruit has such Fragrant Aroma:-)

{21:48-23:28}  The Aroma of The Fruit of God's Spirit...QUESTION: What kind of Scent is your life giving off?...Do you smell sweet & refreshing or do you stink!?....Like the song in the beginning are you pouring yourself out before Jesus as a sweet perfume?...

{23:29-25:08} He (Christ) has given Himself up for us by his death...

Gal. 2: 20 Giving of your life for others is not always physical but means living sacrificially for others

{25:08-30:00} A SHAMELESS PLUG:-)....COMMERCIAL www.significanceacademy.com ...........If you can see Benefit in my teaching here on the Kingdomcorner Podcast than why not purchase my devotional book!? "Searching for significance, a Devotional Journey Through Ecclesiastes"...also, we have a Course at the Significance Academy that follows & incorporates my Book....

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  • Digital Copy of the book, "Searching for Significance"

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We will get into chapter 10 of my book (PERFUME) next time & show how how that message connects with what we have shared here today on Eph. 5:1,2



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The Kingdom Corner with Matt Geib
Kingdom Conversations: Biblical Truth
"The Kingdom Corner" could be the thing that propels you into deeper levels of joy, leadership, and stewardship! We're asking you to make a commitment today... Not to us... but to yourself... We're asking you to commit the next 4 weeks of your life to listening with us as Matt Geib takes us on a journey through understanding principles of Kingdom Life. Be challenged. Be transformed. Be made whole.... Subscribe now, and NEVER go back to a life of anything less than what the King has for you.

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Matt Geib