Episode 138

Published on:

12th Jun 2024

" Eternity,The Undiscovered Country" ~Ecc.3:11

00:00 - 02:46 Introduction,,background,,continuing the series reading from my Book “Searching For Significance, A Devotional Through Ecclesiastes”...Reading from Chapter 4- Eternity, The Undiscovered Country…Background & basis of How this book was created,,,where you can Purchase/get this book

02:4609:23     Review of Chapter THREE “Of Times & Seasons”...’yardstick’ example compared to our longevity…ANOTHER example ‘Do The Math’ For your own personal life…to see how much TIME God may grant you to live ….error…should have been 4,015 weeks NOT years….Time, Seasons, God has so much in the Word to say about times & seasons…GET ‘Bending Time’ (Dan MCCollam) for more on this topic…make the most of your Chronos Time, yet God has special ‘Karios’ time moments for us…God can actually MULTIPLY our time if we allow Him to help us …we live in CHRONOS Time But God desires to visit us in KARIOS Encounters:-)

09:23 - 16:05 READING…ECCLESIASTES 3:1-10 Verses 9-10 refer to Solomon’s ‘Under the Sun’ (earthly) view of our live in the physical on this planet God has set us down in, birthed us into…Chronos Time; The cycle of Life…we experience GOOD & Bad things on this earth…Memorial Day…remembering my Father & Mother …Both Joy & sad memories from my parents life & my connection to them…VERSE 9 & 10 shows Solomon’s negative conclusion of the cycle of life…YET for US walking with God= ALL CAN be GOOD -Romans 8:28,,,even in trying circumstances…Here a backslidden view by SOLOMON…a negative ‘Under the Sun’ view that  I believe God inspired in the Holy Canon of THe Scriptures to wake us UP!! …Only GOD can satisfy Man…Material experiences & possessions are just icing on the cake for us When God is our Main purpose & reason for Living

16:05  -19:21 The 1st Topic is ‘Chronos’ Time’...perhaps you should ‘number your days’...we have been set in the cycle of life..yet we have a FREE wiil…Animals have an innate within them to migrate, hibernate etc,,,they have no choice… God has placed a desire in us For Him…YET we HAVE a CHOICE (Free Will) to follow that desire  or …NOT…we are all birthed into the Cycle of Life between the start of Life:BIRTH & end of our lives:Death,,,Solomons view  of life could be summed up in Travail & Hardship..This book though negative was inspired by God to show that without Him, how miserable & unfulfilled man is…a ‘slap in the face’ to us, so we will turn to God

19:21 - 21:15   Yet here in the midst of of Solomon’s negative view of Life on this planet an INSPIRATION of DIVINE REVELATION Comes to Him & IS expressed…this is the beautiful pattern of this Book of Ecclesiastes…Specifically VERSE 11 “He (GOD) has made all things BEAUTIFUL (Appropriate) in it’s time”,,,,,HEBREW for beautiful = Fair, pleasant, working,excellent,, in His Time…all the cycle of life we go through is BEAUTIFUL when we are serving God, they have purpose & meaning for us  …even that which is or seem painful (Romans 8:28

21:15 - 22:16      KEY: In It’s (HIS( Time)...NOT,,our Time…VERSE 11 REVEALS GOD”S VIEW of the Life he desires for us….When we are on Time with God, when we Show up all is BEAUTIFUL!!...Romans 8:28 states all works for good for us when we are walking according to HIS PURPOSES….QUESTION: WILL we choose to walk with Him!?...will you & I ‘Choose to be Chosen”?! …unlike the animals we have a CHOICE to say yes or no

22:16 - 23:20 “ WORLD”...means or is OLAM in Hebrew means eternal…longlasting..SO ETERNITY is a GOOD Translation Here…”MATTHEW 16:26 What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world yet lose his soul”...This verse in Matthew sums up the whole theme of Ecclesiastes for us!...my personal belief Solomon probably returned To God before his life ended

23:20 - 34:20 READING the chapter…However, we will come back again for 2nd part to this chapter as there is so much here

34:20 - 36:05    CONCLUSION: We will come back next episode because we have only begun to scratch the surface…OH How God desires each listener HERE to EXPERIENCE Eternity TODAY in their hearts…not just read about it in my book!! Or the Bible…Experiences the Heavenly REALM as seen in Ephesians …He Has made all things Beautful…appropriate, excellent, fair , working well  IN HIS TIME….he has set as a HOOK Eternity in Man’s Heart..Be Blessed!, PLease Come Again

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The Kingdom Corner with Matt Geib
Kingdom Conversations: Biblical Truth
"The Kingdom Corner" could be the thing that propels you into deeper levels of joy, leadership, and stewardship! We're asking you to make a commitment today... Not to us... but to yourself... We're asking you to commit the next 4 weeks of your life to listening with us as Matt Geib takes us on a journey through understanding principles of Kingdom Life. Be challenged. Be transformed. Be made whole.... Subscribe now, and NEVER go back to a life of anything less than what the King has for you.

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Matt Geib