Episode 22

Published on:

25th Jun 2020

Rising above Distraction

In this episode, The Great Matt Geib shares content from Jerimiah Johnson’s book “Trump and The Future of America.”


[00:01:46] The Element of Distraction 


[00:03:09] Reference to NFC Champion game with Russel Wilson 


[00:04:15] The Church is in a desperate place right now, but I believe if the saints of God will rise up; victory and revival will rise up. 


[00:05:17] The destiny of America is in the hands of the baby boomers. - JERIMIAH JOHNSON 


[00:11:43] Prayer points for baby boomers

  1. Pray for an anointing of wisdom on the older generation
  2. Pray for a fresh wind of the spirit to come upon the baby boomers
  3. Pray for the baby boomers to seek wisdom and strength 
  4. Pray for the baby boomers to be restored and healed
  5. Pray for the full armor of God over the baby boomers


Helpful Links 

Jerimiah Johnson’s Book








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The Kingdom Corner with Matt Geib
Kingdom Conversations: Biblical Truth
"The Kingdom Corner" could be the thing that propels you into deeper levels of joy, leadership, and stewardship! We're asking you to make a commitment today... Not to us... but to yourself... We're asking you to commit the next 4 weeks of your life to listening with us as Matt Geib takes us on a journey through understanding principles of Kingdom Life. Be challenged. Be transformed. Be made whole.... Subscribe now, and NEVER go back to a life of anything less than what the King has for you.

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Matt Geib