Episode 133

Published on:

8th Apr 2024

"Living A Life of Worship, with Chris Walters"

“Living a Life of Worship” …an interview with Worship Facilitator/Minstrel “Chris Walters” (PT. I)......... 04/08/24

00:00 - 04:24 Introduction

04:24 -05:30  Setting up Ministry parameters, money, recognition,BMI. Starting a publishing company

05:30 -06:07 Ministry expectations, small group worship

06:07 - 8:00 Monetary support/earnings to  facilitate ministry & travel 


08:00- 11:23  God’s Worship facilitator going throughout the country for past two years, & God has always provided for the ministry

11:23 - 11:58 Feeling stirred to start a ‘Home Group’ in Iowa 

11:5812:51 Worship is a key part of INTERCESSION

12:51- 15:26 There are many types of Christian music today & suitable settings for each type

15:26 - 16:25 As a Worshiper you need to find your place in the Body of Christ

16:25 - 18:45 Flow & Connection in Worship cultivates Community

 18:45 - 20:15 Worship & an Audience of ONE

20:15-21:15  Worshiping in SPITE of not Because of

21:15 - 23:10 Having the correct FOCUS in Worship

23:10 - 23:56  A New Season of ‘OPENNESS’ in Worship

23:56 - 25:30 God  & music speaks to each of us in unique ways as we are all unique, do not put God in a ‘BOX’!

25:30 - 26:56 Where is the Church headed in this Season?

26:56 -27:32 The darker it gets the brighter the LIGHT shines!

27:29 - 32:04 Home church groups vs. Organized Church; BOTH are necessary

32:04 - 32:57 Chris has found her niche in small groups , as a Christian, worshiper, songwriter & musician

32:57- 34:15 All of us NEED the Body of Christ, we can not walk alone

34:15- 36:51 Association vs. Transformation

36:51 - 37:14 Teaching on Worship is necessary..What? & Why?

37:14 - 37:21 Worship IS your CONNECTION To HIM

37:21 - 39:45 What IS WORSHIP & How do we enter into Worship?

39:45 - 40:57 WORSHIP comes from  out of a RELATIONSHIP

40:57 - 43:11 To CULTIVATE Worship Meditate on the Word of God

43:11 - 44:53 Worship should be our LIFE

44:53 - CONCLUSION: Review,,Questions…Contact & Giving to Chris Walters


  1. What is the difference to you between a Worship Leader & a Worship Facilitator?

  1. What is the relationship between Worship & INTERCESSION? How does Worship Impact INTERCESSION ?

     3. ) Have you found ‘Your Place’ in the Body of Christ as it pertains to Worship?

     4.)Worship IS Cultivated through R__________________

    EXTRA CREDIT: When Chris spoke about her ‘Audience of ONE’ , what was she     referring to? How did that thought impact you & your ways of worship?


Chris has been called by God to share her music & connect with the Body of Christ as a ‘Worship Facilitator’. This will involve travel as well as development of her songs through music production in a studio. As you feel impressed of God please consider GIVING to Her Ministry through the following :

VENMO: @Chris-Walters - 128 venmo


CONTACT CHRIS WALTERS: thechrislist@outlook.com


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The Kingdom Corner with Matt Geib
Kingdom Conversations: Biblical Truth
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Matt Geib