How To Live your Life On Purpose For The Kingdom of God (Isaiah 14:24)~Venus Rodriguez
How To Find & Then Live Your Purpose For The Kingdom of God
Isa 55:8-9 thoughts in hebrew is makhahawbaw meaning purpose , plan, invention. you could read this verse like this, " for my purpose is not your plan." your ways, in hebrew is dehrek meaning : journey, path,direction, course of life, moral character.
Romans 12:2, Psalm 33:11,Isa 14:24,Isa 43:19
Hosea 4:6 the word destroyed in hebrew is dawma meaning to cut off, perish, bring to silence, undone. knowledge in hebrew is dahath meaning perception,discernment, understanding, wisdom, Romans 8:28 purpose hebrew is prothesis, meaning setting a setting forth of a thing, placing it inview, proposal, intention, exposed before God.
example of a few people in the bible adams purpose Genesis 1:26-28 abraham purpose Genesis 12:1-3 moses Exodus 3:10-17
6 example on how to help you with discovering your purpose 1. go to God in prayer - James 1:5 2. read the word -Psalm 119:105 3. determine your gifts and strengths. 4. what is your passion- asking this can lead to uncovering purpose 5. connect with others, who can help you ( Prov 11:14) 6. journal, ask God questions , trust God, He will lead you in discovering your purpose.