Episode 3

Published on:

12th Oct 2019

Filling The Earth with The Glory of God (S1 E2)

Filling the Earth with the glory of God, Part two.

Recap: So just for a little recap from episode one, we started with two texts on this subject of filling the Earth with God's glory. Habakkuk 2:14 and Isaiah 6:1-4. 


Habakkuk 2:14 spoke about the glory of God covering the Earth as the waters (Waters were a metaphor), as water covering the sea. Also, Isaiah 6: 1-4, where Isaiah was commissioned for ministry, and he was cleansed. 


Remember the call that was put on his lips by the Seraphim. At the end of that verse, it states that the whole Earth (a prophetic declaration) would be filled with the glory of God. As we continued, we began to discuss, Kavod, and Doxa. 


Kavod is the Hebrew word, Doxa is the Greek word for glory: which means, richness, honor, goodness, excellence. 

*This is not a passive word, it is a word of Action.





His sons and daughters were not like the prophets of old where God's presence had to come upon them, or they had to be lifted into the Heavens. We always can live and work from his presence. Why? Because Ephesians 1:3, Ephesians 2:4, and other verses in the New Testament specifically speak of us being seated in the Heavens with Christ, so we worked from the Heavenly perspective.


We view things from a Heavenly perspective because of the work that Christ did on Calvary. 



God first created the angelic hosts that were multitudinous in number. It says in Revelation that they would give Him glory and praise, and they were first created because glory had to be present for God to work. God never works outside of His glory, so they brought Him glory; they brought Him praise. Out of that, Isaiah was commissioned. Then, God began to create the Heavens and the Earth, and Man was made out of God's glory. 



Based on John 7:37-39, we are called as His sons and daughters to produce glory.


In Heaven, there's enough glory with all the angelic hosts, but here on Earth, there's a lack of glory, and that's one of our primary purposes, to produce the glory of God in His kingdom.


John 7:37-39, Now, on that last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out saying, if anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me as the scripture said, from his innermost being will flow rivers ( not creeks or streams of living water.)


 Rivers of living water, but He spoke of the spirit whom those who believe him more to receive this, hadn't received it yet. Because it says, the spirit wasn't, however, given because Jesus was not yet glorified.


We're talking about prophetic anticipation of the Baptism and the Holy Spirit. When the spirit would come and we wouldn't have to have it come upon us anymore but would live inside of us. 





We're beginning to go back into this; we are called as His sons and daughters now on Earth to produce God's glory, which brings His Kingdom honor. 


How does the glory, we as His sons and daughters produce, fill the Earth? A key is found in the last part of Isaiah. If you read that verse, Isaiah was there in the throne room while being commissioned and cleansed. The foundation of those angels is praising God, saying, Holy, Holy, Holy, throughout all of Heavens. The foundations of the temple that Isaiah was in began to stress and strain under the beautiful glory of God that was starting to fill that whole place. 



Let's look at another: prophet. Remember, seer prophets. They received dreams and visions, and then they interpret them for the people of God. 


After putting these visions together of these two seer prophets, Isaiah and Ezekiel, we see two things that have happened so far:

  1. Isaiah, chapter six, verses three: the whole Earth is full of his glory. And Ezekiel chapter forty-three verses two puts it this way,
  2. The Earth has shown with his glory. 


Let's review and bring it out again. First of all, glory must be produced, and we talked about that a lot in episode one. And it must be provided in such quantity that the foundation of the temple becomes disjointed. Remember, Isaiah chapter six, verses four: the foundations began to tremble off the temple. And it trembles so much that the glory cannot help but escape and flow out. 




So my point is today, let's determine, to start this glory producing process. You have it in you if you have the spirit of God today. 


You remember how we praise God, we worship God, that's producing glory. That is the fruit of our lips to give thanks to His name. It begins with praise; it starts with worshiping. Every day, throughout your whole day, under your breath at work, being in an attitude of worship. 


He wants the church to be that glory producer, to be that bride without spot or wrinkle that brings His glory upon this planet. So it starts with each of us. 



My call to Action to you today is: break those dams up with inside of yourself that holds those rivers of living water. 


The world is waiting, and the world is craving having the rivers of living water cover this world as the waters cover the sea. It was a prophetic declaration, and we will be coworkers with God to bring that on the spurs, and we will see revival because of it. 



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The Kingdom Corner with Matt Geib
Kingdom Conversations: Biblical Truth
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Matt Geib