Episode 18

Published on:

7th May 2020

Apostles & Prophets (Designs & Definitions)

In this episode of The Kingdom, Corner Podcast Matt continues his series on Apostles and Prophets, The foundation of the Kingdom.

Designs and definitions

[00:00:58] Ephesians 4:1-16

[00:03:39] Building the body of Christ in unity

[00:04:53] Illustration of the temple of God

[00:09:42] Discussion regarding Tyler Frick with The Kings Company and his recent article.

[00:11:46] What is the purpose of recognizing all five offices in ministry?

1. To equip the SAINTS for works of ministry. 2. For building up the body of Christ 3. Unity in the Faith 4. Unity in the knowledge of the Son of God 5. For Maturity in the stature of the fullness of Christ 6. That we not be led by various Doctrines 7. To grow up into Christ as the head, in love.

What happens when we are offended at these names and don't want to identify people?

1. We equip the SAINTS for procrastination and laziness. 2. For oppressing the body of Christ. 3. Unity in the fear of man. 4. Unity in knowledge of our pride. 5. For weakness and misrepresentation of the fullness of Christ 6. We become led by various Doctrines 7. Never grow up into Christ as the head, in love. Instead, our heads grow while our hearts fail.

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Over the past few weeks, I've seen multiple posts by people who I think mean well in what they're saying, but they're WRONG!

"We don't need to focus on titles in the church!"

"Who cares if you're an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, or teacher... just be a son!"

"I don't care what my office is; I just want to be like Jesus."

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Although those sounds nice and clean and healthy... it's bad thinking! It's contradictory to scripture. It's a setup for a let down.

Why? Because God gave us these offices ON PURPOSE and for a reason!

Did you know that you can find your identity in Christ and still honor the new name God gives you?

Did you know that you can be like Jesus and still walk in the office of ministry you're called to?

Neglecting to learn about who we are, what our gifts are, and where we fit in the body as leaders will cause us to miss opportunities to lead, love, learn, steward.

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If you're "just a son," (but actually an apostle) will you ever partner with other apostles to see regional prophetic fulfillment? No! You won't because you won't recognize your role to transition culture from that office.

If you "just want to be like Jesus," but you're actually a prophet (like Jesus was too), will you ever step into your role to influence the community and influencers in it with developed and understood words from the Lord? No! You won't, because you'll be too lenient on yourself and your mandate.

If you don't think offices are important, but you're actually an evangelist... you might get caught up trying to attend every church event in the 4 walls without realizing your opportunities and favor outside of the 4 walls. You won't be comfortable being you, walking in your mantle, because you'll think your gifts operate 'in church' when they actually operate in obedience to God's lead, everywhere you go.

If you don't want to give too much significant meaning to titles, but you're actually called to pastor, you'll end up teaching a congregation every week instead of discipling and shepherding people. (No! The pastor doesn't have to be the one teaching!)

If you are too proud to receive a name God gives you, and you're called to be a teacher... you will miss opportunities to step into the places you're called to, and the revival birthed from teaching (like the multiplying people following Jesus or John the Baptist as he taught) won't happen! You'll spend time trying to be less talkative when you've been anointed to never shut up!


Offices are NOT titles, they are names, and honoring the 5 GOD (not man) chose to give us, is the only way we'll be able to reach the goals he gave us in Ephesians 4.

It's false humility and pride to not accept who God calls you. Do it maturely and receive your name!

___________________________________________________ To connect with Matt email TheKingdomCornerPodcast@gmail.com

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The Kingdom Corner with Matt Geib
Kingdom Conversations: Biblical Truth
"The Kingdom Corner" could be the thing that propels you into deeper levels of joy, leadership, and stewardship! We're asking you to make a commitment today... Not to us... but to yourself... We're asking you to commit the next 4 weeks of your life to listening with us as Matt Geib takes us on a journey through understanding principles of Kingdom Life. Be challenged. Be transformed. Be made whole.... Subscribe now, and NEVER go back to a life of anything less than what the King has for you.

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Matt Geib