Episode 131

Published on:

13th Mar 2024

A Devotional Journey Through Ecclesiastes

Searching For Significance--INTRO.

  1. Going a NEW Direction
  2. Coming this APRIL “Ephesians COACHING!”:-)
  3. A Devotional Reading of my book “ Searching For Significance, a Devotional Journey Through Ecclesiastes”

PART ONE…..Ephesians & Ecclesiastes Parallels

  1. Intro. & Review
  2. ECC. 3:1-11
  3. All People have a designed PURPOSE….ECC.1:11
  4. TIME is an essential element in our lives…Ecc.1:11/Eph.1:7-11
  5. Times/seasons…Times mentioned 16 times in ECC…..Ecc. 3:17,8:5,3:17, Ecc. 9:12..Ephesians 1:9,10, 5:6
  6. CONTRASTING Ecc. with Eph. ……Ecc. 1:3 “Under The Sun” opposed to being in “Heavenly Places” Eph. 1:3,2:6, 3:7-10


About Me…The Author: Matt Geib

I am a Bible Teacher-Coach guiding people from religion to a meaningful connection with God

I have over 50 years experience & 50,000 hours of Bible study  from which I have provided many Saints with wisdom & insight. I have taught in  & Pastored churches over 30 years , counseled individuals  giving insight & direction for their lives through use of practical application of scripture to their lives

With scriptural concepts & truth I provide timely  & personal transformation in each unique situation

I teach profound Biblical Truth in an easily understood & applicable Manner

Currently, I am A Teacher/Elder/Coach at the KINGS COMPANY, founded by Apostle Tyler Frick in  2018

I have a PODCAST , “The Kingdom Corner Podcast” that I started in 2019 with over 120 episodes


My ‘Writer's Journey” began 60+ years ago…as I was adopted in 1958 by a ‘PK’ & brought up in a very good , what I would call “Christian Greenhouse” Environment in the Midwest

I committed my life publicly To Christ at 9 years of Age , after a Billy Graham Movie

Being a Student of God’s Word about 25 years ago I began an Intensive study of the Book of ECCLESIASTES & began to teach a Wednesday night Bible Class on ‘Solomon, Proverbs, & Ecclesiastes’.

This Book “Searching For Significance, a Devotional Journey Through Ecclesiastes” came to fruition in the summer of 2019 based on the Bible class I taught years ago along with fresh, new  insights I had been journaling about as I read through the book that summer.

One of the Main points here is that this book was born out of a devotional, contemplative time with God each morning, NEVER did I consider that this would turn into my first BOOK!?..However, as ABBA was so gracious to give me fresh Manna & insight each day, I began to see that perhaps others could benefit from my gleanings of Solomon's prose along with the Fathers encouragement to me! 

To me the most prevalent theme of ECCLESIASTES is that all men & women are on a search for Significance, a search for meaning & purpose to their life. Hence , the title of this book.

Perhaps today in March 2024, you have come across this Podcast at the Kingdom Corner. I am believing it is not by accident , today & moving forward as we begin a journey through my devotional book it is my heart-felt desire & prayer God will begin to reveal to you Your Purpose, Your Significance as it were. Having said that sometimes finding out just what is important & significant is not always easily recognized or self-evident so allow yourself to begin to have a new awareness of what happens in your life day to day, even the simple things may hold new meaning for you…Just trust   ABBA and he will show you the way!

Lastly, when I penned this simple book in the summer of 2019 we were in the insane parenthesis of COVID-19, with many of us shut up in our homes. So much craziness  has taken place in the world since then, it is as if we are on a mad dash to destruction with no way to turn back the hands of time. So as we unpack this book week to week let it serve as a ‘slap in the Face’ that the themes of ECCLESIASTES can be at times

Please Hear the VOICE of GOD in these life  lessons as I did, that said loudly to me:

“Here am I”


“I am in Control”

“I am HERE for You, if you just turn to Me!”



  1. What subjects/topics are you doing/studying in this current season, that you could possibly develop into a CREATIVE PROJECT that you could share with the world? IDEAS: A Podcast,,,Video Blog or series, Written newsletter/Blog, book…etc…______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

     2.)JUST How are you doing in this current climate of ‘craziness, (mentally, physically

         spiritually)...Do you have the FAITH in GOD that He is in Control of your life & 

         & events? WHY or  WHY Not? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

PLEASE GO TO: https://www.facebook.com/groups/200370141947198

....The group above Is "Understanding Times and Seasons" on Face book

Post your answers either in writing or on video


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About the Podcast

The Kingdom Corner with Matt Geib
Kingdom Conversations: Biblical Truth
"The Kingdom Corner" could be the thing that propels you into deeper levels of joy, leadership, and stewardship! We're asking you to make a commitment today... Not to us... but to yourself... We're asking you to commit the next 4 weeks of your life to listening with us as Matt Geib takes us on a journey through understanding principles of Kingdom Life. Be challenged. Be transformed. Be made whole.... Subscribe now, and NEVER go back to a life of anything less than what the King has for you.

About your host

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Matt Geib